About the Journal

As the journal and newsletter of the Neotropical section of the Primate Specialist Group, Neotropical Primates helps to disseminate information on Platyrrhini biology and conservation. We welcome manuscripts dealing with any aspect of primate conservation, including research articles, news items, thesis abstracts, notices of recent publications and the like. Neotropical Primates publishes articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 

To submit a manuscript to Neotropical Primates, you need to register on the website and log in: Submit a manuscript

ISSN 1413-4705 (Print); ISSN 2995-2174 (Online)

Current Issue

Vol. 29 No. 2 (2023)
					View Vol. 29 No. 2 (2023)

Online first articles

Front Cover: Designed by Amisha Gadani. Top: Juvenile Sapajus apella inspecting palm spines on Ile Royale, French Guiana. Photo by Carlos Navarro. Middle: Sapajus cay alpha male (left) holding a Rhipidomys rodent, with an estrous female sitting in contact (right), in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Photo by Oscar Fernandes Júnior. Bottom: An alpha male Sapajus macrocephalus feeding on Caluromys lanatus, while a female with a baby on her back observes and a juvenile tries to grab the internal organs, in Manu Learning Centre Biological Station, Peru. Photo by Daniel Ash.


Published: 2023-12-01
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