Population density estimate for the white-faced capuchin monkey (Cebus imitator) in the Multiple Use Area Montaña la Botija, Choluteca, Honduras, and a range extension for the species
Distribution, population density, Cebus imitator, Capuchin monkeys, HondurasAbstract
Honduras is one of the Neotropical countries with the least amount of information available regarding the conservation status of its wild primate species. Understanding the real conservation status of these species is relevant, since they are of great importance for ecosystem dynamics due to the diverse ecological services they provide. However, there are many threats that endanger the conservation of these species in the country such as deforestation, illegal hunting, and illegal wildlife trafficking. The present research is the first official registration of the Central American white-faced capuchin monkey (Cebus imitator) for the Pacific slope in southern Honduras, increasing the range of its known distribution in the country. A preliminary population density estimate of the capuchin monkey was performed in the Multiple Use Area Montaña La Botija using the line transect method, resulting in a population density of 1.04 groups/km2 and 4.96 ind/km2 in the studied area. These results provide us with a first look at an isolated primate population that has never been described before and demonstrate the need to develop long-term studies to better understand the population dynamics, ecology, and behaviour, for this group in the zone.


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