Estudio de la conducta alimentaria, el tamaño y composición de los grupos del mono gun-gun (Alouatta coibensis trabeata) (Lawrence, 1933) en tres distritos de la provincia de Los Santos, Panamá
diet, tree species, fragmentation, group structure, Azuero PeninsulaAbstract
Fragmented habitats lead to limited food resources, and this affects primate population dynamics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feeding behavior, size and composition of groups of Alouatta coibensis trabeata in three districts of the province of Los Santos, Panama. To locate groups, we used the route count method as well as detection from vocalizations or smell. To study feeding behavior, the Focal Animal method (30 min) was used for three age categories (juveniles, adult males, and adult females). The results of the study showed that the mean size of the groups was 7.7 SD ± 3.1 ind/group (n=15 groups; 2-13 individuals), similar to that reported in 2008. In 480 minutes of observation (16 focal animals), the animals spent 47% of their time resting, 39% feeding, 8% in agonistic social activities, and 6% playing. They fed on fruits (36%), leaves (33%) and flowers (31%) of 16 tree species belonging to 10 families, with a preferential trend in Fabaceae (26%), Moraceae (22%), Anacardiaceae (22%), Lauraceae (11%), Burseraceae (9%), and other families (10%). Percent plant similarity demonstrates that live fences, patches of secondary forest, and gallery forest in Los Santos provide A. c. trabeata considerable variability in their diet, which could favor stability in the group structure over time.
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