Protocolo de manejo e o tempo de sobrevivência de Alouatta guariba mantidos sob cuidados humanos no Centro de Pesquisas Biológicas de Indaial/ Santa Catarina
Neotropical primates, lifespan, survival curve, infants, life tableAbstract
The maintenance of primates in captivity requires the use of feasible management techniques that ensure the well-being of animals that are in a restricted and altered environment. In this work we present a howler monkey management protocol developed at the Centro de Pesquisas Biológicas de Indaial, CEPESBI, located in Indaial, Santa Catarina, Brazil, whose main activity is the Projeto Bugio, created in 1991 with the main objective of managing and conserving howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba). The protocol was developed based on behavioral studies of howler monkeys in the wild over the 31 years of the Projeto Bugio and considering biosafety, nutritional, behavioral, physiological aspects, and the health conditions of the animals over the years of management in CEPESBI/Projeto Bugio. To assess the effectiveness of the protocol, the survival time of the howler monkeys that lived in the Center was used, and it was considered that the longer the howler monkeys lived in the Center, the better the protocol was adapted to the management of these animals. In our protocol, howler monkeys kept in captivity in CEPESBI/Projeto Bugio presented a survival time between 15 and 20 years, similar to that described for the species in the wild. By sharing this howler monkey management protocol, we hope that it can be used or adapted to the different realities of maintenance centers for these ex situ animals.
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