A new population of red uakaris (Cacajao calvus ssp.) in the mountains of north-eastern Peru


  • Jan Vermeer Proyecto Mono Tocón, Jr. Reyes Guerra 422, Moyobamba, Peru. Le Conservatoire pour la Protection des Primates, La Vallée des Singes, 86700 France.
  • Julio C. Tello-Alvarado Proyecto Mono Tocón, Jr. Reyes Guerra 422, Moyobamba, Peru. Universidad Nacional de San Martín-T, Facultad de Ecología, Jr. Prolongación 20 de Agosto, Moyobamba, Peru.
  • José T. Villacis Del Castillo Proyecto Mono Tocón, Jr. Reyes Guerra 422, Moyobamba, Peru. Universidad Nacional de San Martín-T, Facultad de Ecología, Jr. Prolongación 20 de Agosto, Moyobamba, Peru.
  • Antonio J. Bóveda-Penalba Proyecto Mono Tocón, Jr. Reyes Guerra 422, Moyobamba, Peru.




Cacajao, red uakari, Peru, range extension


Here we report on the discovery of a new population of red uakaris in the mountains of northern San Martin, north-eastern Peru. This population is isolated from the other known uakari populations in the eastern lowlands, which raises questions concerning their taxonomic status and biogeographical history. This follows a recent range extension of this taxon west of the Ucayali River. Previously, the Peruvian red uakari (Cacajao calvus ucayalii) was only known in Peru from the lowlands between the Amazon, Ucayali and Yavarí Rivers.






How to Cite

Vermeer, J., Tello-Alvarado, J. C., Del Castillo, J. T. V., & Bóveda-Penalba, A. J. (2013). A new population of red uakaris (Cacajao calvus ssp.) in the mountains of north-eastern Peru. Neotropical Primates, 20(1), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.1896/044.020.0103