The true identity and characteristics of Simia albifrons Humboldt, 1812: description of neotype
Primates, Cebidae, pale-fronted capuchin monkey, Cebus albifrons albifrons, Simia albifrons Humboldt, type locality, characters, neotype, distribution, natural historyAbstract
The historic holotypic description of Alexander von Humboldt for the primate Simia albifrons contains obvious errors which have created various taxonomic problems, since it has been impossible to compare descriptions of subspecies with an original holotype, which was never preserved. An historic taxonomic error was the recognition of Cebus albifrons unicolor as a different taxon from Cebus albifrons albifrons, which we correct in this paper by the recognition of Cebus albifrons unicolor as a synonym for Cebus albifrons albifrons. We describe Cebus albifrons albifrons for the first time, based on a neotype collected by us close to the type locality. Additionally, confusions about the type locality are discussed and clarified. Maypures is established as the correct type locality. General information on the geographic distribution and natural history of the species and subspecies is also provided.
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