Distribuição espacial de grupos familiares e preferência de habitat de Plecturocebus bernhardi em remanescente florestal no sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira
Prince Bernard’s titi monkey, arc of deforestation, conservation, RondôniaAbstract
Populations of Plecturocebus bernhardi are under strong pressure from habitat reduction due to the dominance of agribusiness and growth of urban areas in the southwest of the Brazilian Amazon. At the same time, the behavioral ecology of this species is unknown. Interest in understanding the effects of habitat modification on species ecology motivated us to study the spatial distribution of family groups and species habitat preference in a forest remnant in south-central Rondônia state, Brazil. We used linear transect methodology, including playback with the species’ vocalizations. We verified group composition in different locations (interior or edge of the forest block at the confluence of the Ji-Paraná and Machado rivers), phytophysiognomy and vertical stratum of vegetation occupied. During the study, 26 groups of P. bernhardi were recorded in a sampling effort of 29.9 km covered. The groups were structured with up to four individuals, found mainly in intermediate vertical strata, with a greater number of groups at forest edges. The high rate of encounters of recorded groups does not indicate a reduction in conservation priority for the species, considering that the habitat area for the species in this part of the Amazon is decreasing.


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