Reconocimiento de primates y amenazas para su supervivencia en bosques pre-montano y montano de la Región Cajamarca, Perú
Primates, cloud forests, group size, abundance, threatsAbstract
We conducted a short survey in the pre-montane and montane forests of the Región Cajamarca to record the primate species that inhabit this region and to identify threats to the survival of their populations. From October to November 2012 transect censuses were conducted in the Huamantanga and Torohuaca sectors. Additionally, interviews were realized in both sectors. During 218 km of transect walks we registered 20 primate groups: Alouatta seniculus (6 groups), Cebus yuracus (6 groups) and Aotus sp. (8 groups). The average group size was 3.2 for Aotus sp., 7.7 to 14.0 for A. seniculus and C. yuracus. Encounter rates were highest for Aotus sp. (6.6 - 7 individuals/10km) and lowest for A. seniculus (1.92 - 2.54 individuals/10 km). In the case of Aotus, it was not possible to identify the species, but it could be A. vociferans or a new species. In the study area, the main threats to primates are deforestation and vegetation burning.


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