Primatas do Parque Estadual da Serra do Papagaio e RPPNs adjacentes, estado de Minas Gerais
Primates, conservation units, Serra da Mantiqueira, species richnessAbstract
We report on the occurrence of seven primate species in the Serra do Papagaio State Park (PESP) and the private reserves (RPPNs) loclated in the vicinity of the park: Callicebus nigrifrons, Callithrix penicillata, Sapajus nigritus, Callithrix aurita, Alouatta guariba clamitans, Brachyteles arachnoides and B. hypoxanthus. Four of these species are threatened: C. aurita, A. guariba clamitans, B. arachnoides and B. hypoxanthus. The park and the private reserves are extremely important for the preservation of the remnants of Atlantic forest and the transitional zone with the cerrado in this region, protecting endemic threatened species of the Atlantic forest. The forests there also form an important corridor in the forest mosaics of the Serra da Mantiqueira spanning the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais: the Itatiaia National Park (MG/RJ) and the Pedra Selada State Park (RJ).


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