Using camera traps to determine group demography in a paraguayan population of Sapajus cay
Atlantic forest, group composition, hooded capuchin, paraguay, video camera trappingAbstract
The understudied Hooded Capuchin (Sapajus cay) is the only representative of its genus in Paraguay. The species is distributed throughout the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest, a biome that historically covered most of eastern Paraguay but has been reduced to small, isolated fragments by agricultural encroachment. Understanding group composition and demographics is important for monitoring the viability of populations. In this study, video camera traps were used to monitor a single group of Hooded Capuchins during their visits to a provisioning platform in a small Atlantic Forest fragment in Reserva Natural Laguna Blanca, Departamento San Pedro, Paraguay. Video analysis enabled identification and assignation of age classes to all 18 individuals of the group. Sex determination was possible for 8 adults, 2 subadults, and 2 juveniles. This study provides the first information of group demographics and composition of wild Hooded Capuchins in Paraguay.


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