Activity budget and ranging of a group of Madidi titis (Plecturocebus aureipalatii) in Reserva Ecólogica Taricaya, with preliminary notes on diet composition, habitat usage and additional sightings


  • Rutger F. van der Speld Department of Applied Biology, HAS University of Applied Sciences,‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands
  • Raúl Bello Reserva Ecólogica Taricaya, Puerto Maldonado, Peru
  • Laura Hebard North Carolina State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Raleigh, NC, United States of America



Plecturocebus, habitat usage, titi monkey, activity budget, homerange


This study aims to provide the first data on activity budget and ranging of one group of Plecturocebus aureipalatii and give preliminary notes on habitat usage and diet composition. Additionally, censuses were carried out to determine the presence of other groups in the area. The study site was strongly impacted by human actions (i.e. selective logging, small scale agriculture and hunting), it contained secondary, mixed- and less disturbed forest. The study group consisted of three habituated adult animals, living around an eco-tourist lodge. Using the scan-sampling method, the group was investigated over the course of four months to collect data on activity budget, ranging and habitat usage. Diet composition was only investigated for a limited period, using focal animal sampling. The activity budget showed a high percentage of stationary behaviour compared to other species, while the percentage of time spent on feeding/foraging behaviour was lower. This may have been caused by the presence of plantations and therefore easily accessible fruits. Analyses of habitat usage showed a strong preference for secondary forest. Ranging and diet composition did not seem to differ from expectations based on other titi monkey species. A long-term study of more groups is recommended to get a better understanding of this species and its requirements.







How to Cite

van der Speld, R. F., Bello, R., & Hebard, L. (2017). Activity budget and ranging of a group of Madidi titis (Plecturocebus aureipalatii) in Reserva Ecólogica Taricaya, with preliminary notes on diet composition, habitat usage and additional sightings. Neotropical Primates, 23(2), 33-40.